Monday, January 31

3pm Monday

Mike has been there with Pat for the last 90 minutes.  He said he will be late picking me up as he wants to stick around for a while.
Pat talked to me for a few minutes.  He had not been feeling well since Saturday.  He said his blood pressure dropped to 79/64 and his pulse was 135.  That doesn't sound right but I will get more info later.

Pat also told me "I don't want older brother to tell everyone about this.  Its embarrassing that I have been on drugs and it's embarrassing that I have to get treatment"
I of course was kind of astonished and didn't have anything smart ass to say in reply!  You know me and my mouth. 
But, I am trying to take this as a good thing for him to say if a bit unusual.  He did tell me I could tell Oldest Brother and Only Daughter.  So, I think for now, I will not tell him about this blog.  :)

And until I have a chance to talk with a drug dependencies professional, I will only ask you that you to write him encouraging notes reminding him that you are praying for him. Maybe not mention the blog at the moment....

We are thinking he will be fine.  I will not be able to update until tomorrow.  But Our Father knows whats going on so you can feel free to pray how He leads you.

Thank you for the help dear friends....

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