Monday, January 31

Monday Morning

Oh Pat, the poor poor boy!
Good news is that he went back to Detox Friday after trying to go out and visit friends after Doctors appointment.

He still thinks life should not have to change for him.  He believes he should get what he wants when he wants.  And I should stop what ever I am doing to take care of him..
 Pat wanted us to bring him things. He wanted toiletries and a towel and a picture of girlfriend and a cup and this and that and a list of things that I would have to go here and there to collect.  I just said I would bring what I could as soon as I could.
Mike and I cleaned house on Saturday and by Sunday morning I had a collection of some of his things to take to him.  By 9am Sunday, he was texting me, "are you coming?  did you get this? why not?"

He has no idea that other people are important and may have a life that goes on when he is not in the room.

I just got a call from his counselor and he believes it is to soon for us to come in for anything.  Pat is still going through detox and his body is addressing some issues.  So, that was very interesting to me.  Pat has been telling me that his heart rate is high and blood pressure is high.  The Counselor says that is normal during this time.

Anyway, I know this does not make a lot of sense. 
Points I guess I want you to know, We exercised and cleaned this weekend.  We took some stuff to Pat.  He is lonely and his body is adjusting to life without drugs.  He will be there for at least 10 more days.(we all hope for more) then on to another facility.

If you would like to write to him you can mail it to the house and I will take it down to him.  Be sure and put your name and address on the outside of the envelope.  Otherwise, it would be opened.  If you wish him to write back, through a self addressed stamped envelope in your letter.  I have to get some stamps to him but it will be a few days before I can do that.
Things you might tell him are:
 you are praying for him,
or a memory of him,
or just tell him about your day. 
I write a note every day or so.  I just tell him about each of the animals and that his dad and I love him.  We don't address any issues or anything right now.

Exact prayer requests:
1. Pat needs to learn good choices, he actually needs to learn to here his conscience again.  That part of his brain that knows the difference between right and wrong has been turned off.
2. The people working with him will be led by God to help him.
3.  Prayers of Thanks that Mike and I actually had made the decision to change our life and get healthier 3 full weeks before this all hit!  What a blessing that we were enough into making changes that we did not just give it up and decide there was to much going on to get healthier.  We are exercising and encouraging each other.  We have cut salt down and working on cutting sugar.  (We will deal with the fat thing another time!)
4. Prayers of Thanks for you that are reading this.  You have all been praying and we feel your prayers. We also feel so encouraged when we go out  and have an awesome evening with friends and can come away feeling that we had a great evening!  What an awesome feeling when so much is going on that we can laugh and enjoy life still!  Me, the worrier!  The one that obsesses about problems!  WOW!!  You are great friends.  We give our prayers of thanks for you so often. 


ps, I think the news may not change so much during the day.  Maybe we are at a place that everyday will be the same.  Wouldn't that be awesome.....

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