Monday, January 31

12:30 Monday afternoon

Pat has had a seizure and is on his way to the hospital from Detox. 
When I received the call I asked what that meant.  Was told that it may be that his blood pressure (which has been high) has just dropped suddenly. 
I don't know any more then that.
Mike is on his way there to find out how bad it is.  Right at the moment, I can't go out of fear.
He will call me when he knows more. And if I have time, I will update you.

Exact Prayer:
1. Lord to be with Pat
2. Lord to be with Doctors and nurses

Update: 1:05.  The counselor just told me that this is common when coming off the drugs.  His blood pressure had been high and it propably just dropped suddenly.  He said that Pat had been weak then his eyes just rolled back in his head and he dropped.  He said it was more of a blood pressure thing then a seizure.  (Wish he had told me that at first but..)
So, thank you friends and only sister that helped me be calm for the past 40 minutes or so.
Pat may go back to Detox tonight maybe in the morning. 
Mike will be getting to the hospital any minute now to check on things.  I will update again when I hear anything. 
My hands are not shaking as bad and I am calmer.

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