Monday, January 24

Pat is out of jail

Well, Pat was released from jail.  Son 1 made arrangements for him to go to Detox tonight. Son 2 picked him up and on the way Pat got out of the truck and said he would not go.  I told Son 2 to just drive away and leave him.  It is cold and wet outside.  Sounds like he needs prayer tonight again, still.

We will see how tonight goes.  I hope that he doesn't come here.  Just can't have it yet.  It was hard enough telling him that he couldn't come home.
I will update whenever something happens....

Update, Well, I saw him for a minute.  He is sad and depressed and I hope he is afraid.  He swears he wants to get off drugs but he would not go to Detox last night.  Swore he would go this morning.  We will see.
Son 1 talked with him last night.  Pat promised him he would go to Detox.  I think Pat did not want to tell his brother the truth because he respects him to much.  Backwards thinking but, thats the story I'm going with.  I have to believe he has respect for somebody.

I recieved info from our Insurance Company.  I now have an Individual Case Manager that is a substance abuse specialist.  Wonderful experiance so far!  Will be filling out paperwork and making more calls today.  Oh joy!
But, I see the blessings!
This could be so much worse.  We could be without insurance!  The Lord is still protecting him!

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