Tuesday, January 25

Is he on his way?

I don't know.  I don't know anything at this point.
Except that he spent the night at his girlfriends place.  I hope she didn't give him any money!!
She is really mad at me because she believes I told her mother that Pat was there.  Now she says she is locked out of her house.  Umm, maybe there is another issue going on with her. 

A friend of Pats told me he was on his way to pick up Pat and take him to Detox.  That was about 90 minutes ago.  I don't know where he is but now we can't get ahold of his friend either. 
I have to leave this in Gods hands too! 
Why don't I have any control of this situation?
 I hate that Lord is always reminding me that it is in his control! 
    I love that Lord is always reminding me that it is in his control!

Prayer for 3 pm Tuesday....that he arrives at Detox!

If no word by 4, besides having all my hair pulled out, I will pray that I hold strong.  Not allow him in the house, not allow him to harress me. 

Zumba tonight.  Maybe prayer should be that I am able to move fast enough to get a really good work out!

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