Tuesday, May 24

Out of rehab

Pat came out of rehab last Thursday.  We told him he had to find a place to live like an Oxford house.
We let him stay for a few days but his place at Oxford fell through.
I have to get him out of the house!
I took off work yesterday to drive h im around, outpatient, court, etc.
Then last night I had a migrane that was on my worst time list.  So, I told him to drive himself to AA.  He came home, went out, came home went out.  He said he went to AA and there was not many miles put on but...
Then, at 11 last night, he had a friend come by and take him to Winco.  When I told him that was not acceptable he got mad at me.
I heard him cough, just like when he smokes pot, I went downstairs and Leah was there, he said she was smoking pot.  I told him he was too.  He argued.
He has to go!
His dad will deal with it when he gets home tomorrow. 
I never should have helped him.  My calm has disappeared and I am frantic again.  can hardly make sense here!
I suppose pray for him.  My head hurts and I just am giving up

Monday, May 16

Pat in Rehab

I am so sorry that I have not updated for so long.
Pat went into Rehab 4 weeks ago.  He is out this Thursday.  He has committed to following a sober lifestyle using the AA 12 step program. He plans to live in an Oxford House.  He has an interview on Sunday to see if he will be accepted. 
His dad and I went down last week for the family program.  It was about what I expected but really opened Mikes eyes!  He and his dad, I think, decided to accept themselves and each other as flawed human beings with forgiveness for the past.
I will continue to be cautiously optimistic for now. 
Lots of things went on there.  Some I still haven't wrapped my head around but most of it was as expected.  Thanks to my online support group, I was prepared and strong and ready! 

I will talk about what happened another time.  Sorry, with Mom and Pat and life, I just have not been able to keep everyone informed.  I am here though and prepared to spend some time telling everyone the goings on of the past month. 

Thursday, March 31

At odds with

I am at odds with the world today
Or maybe myself.
I just think I had better go to bed.  Its not going to get any better.  Tired and down today.  To much of everything. and not enough of what I need. 
I wish someone would pray for Pat.  I don't know that I can.  To involved with myself today and my own bad choices.
So many and i can't go back in time.  bad choices have me down.  Just erase it all.  i want to go away

Monday, March 21

This last weekend.

Wow, I am truly blessed!
The final to my great weekend was Sunday.  Pat came over.  He was nice!
That is the end to the weekend, just in case you are the "turn to the back of the book to find out who did it" type of person.

Friday, March 18

I am back to being strong

Sorry about the other day.  I was tired.
I am back and praying hard this weekend!  Pat now has to man up and go into treatment.  I am back to being a strong mother that will not enable but that will pray for my son.
The next 3 days, I will pray that The Lord will lead him to treatment, that he will prepare HIS WAY in Pats mind, body and most deeply into his soul.

I will ask you to pray this weekend for the same things.
Thank you

Wednesday, March 16

March 16th evening

my phone is off.  Everything in Pats life is my fault according to him.

Wed March 16

Tomorrow is Pats birthday.  I think of the little boy that I loved.  I still love him so much but I can't stand to be near him now.  I want my boy back!!

Today, we need to focus on him making good choices for the next 72 hours.  Not to do drugs or drink.  Not to think that just because he is 21 tomorrow he needs to go to bars and get in trouble.

Good choices.

Father, Lord, Our great comfortor, Please Lord, stay with Pat. Hold him close to you and do not let him come near temptations that will destroy him.  Help him to understand that he needs help. 
Help his dad and I to stay strong when all we want is to hold him and have him know that we love him.
I pray this in the name of Your Son, who you had to send into danger, knowing he would be hurt and killed, knowing that the temptations were here that could destroy him.  I pray in the name of Christ, Amen