Monday, January 24


I was a stay at home mother, except for that little duty called Reserves.
I was activated in 2001 and only went 500 miles away.
However, my husband was a RN with a traveling clinic (Do you read traveling circus?)
We had set up arrangements for Son 2 and Son 3 to go to friends if I ever got activated.  Lucky us!
I went, the boys were dramatized and life turned to C&^9 after that.

Son 1 and Only Daughter are Mike's by a prior marriage.  I have loved them for years.  They each are married and have 2 girls.  Oh what a blessing that must be.  Don't let anyone tell you that boys are easier then girls!

Actually, it doesn't matter what gender of child you have.  Things are just never what we want for our kids!
I sure didn't graduate from High School and say "I want to get married and have 2 boys and loose my marriage and have my boys go through years of drug and or alochol abuse and accept all the blame and worry that they produce!"
No, I said "I want to get married and raise children.  I will be a good mother."

Yeah, right.....

I accept blame.  I learned that years ago.  If you were involved in somebodies life and interacted with them, chances are you are part of the life they have created for themselves.

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