Monday, January 24

Info I sent out today

Hello friends and family,
The last several days has been.....
well, I can't even find the right words to explain that feeling.
As many of you know and some of you don't, Thursday we kind of hit the wall.  The newest and last of our "things" went missing with absoulutly no reason.  The new chainsaw and my computer just vanished.
By Friday, Mike was calm enough to file a police report naming Son 3, Pat  as the thief. ( I am very proud of him btw, he did things no father should have to do and did them well)
Within an hour he had a call back saying this that and many other things had been pawned.
Son 2 talked to us, we have not listened in the past when he tried to tell us things and we were always willing to blame other people (friends of the boys) for items that turned up missing.  Son 2 stepped up and acted as a big brother and "the good son" so honestly and well that I was taken aback.
Mike and I went out to celebrate my birthday, I had a very good very strong, very large drink before we got there and well on my way to calming down. 
Saturday, we had intended to go to Worley for the night.  I had a hotel room for $20 and Mike and I decided that we should go ahead and use the room.  Boy, was I glad.  After about 20 or 30 text from Pat saying he would kill himself or he would find help, or he had no food, or he just needed money or he wanted this or that, my phone went dead.  What a shame.
Son 1 (Pats oldest brother) and Son 2 had already stepped up and said they would deal with everything and tried to get Pat to come in or go to the hospital or something.  Luckily, Pat ended up in jail around midnight and Son 1 (who is a guard at the jail) was able to insure his safety and that it was going to be a very tough couple of days for him.  BTW, if you have the same last name as a jail guard and look so much like him it is obvious you are related, you are kept out of general population and so kept is solitare for 23.5 hours a day.
Mike and I are working on getting him into a Rehab program of some kind however, since everything extra is gone, we will be beginning from scratch and actually in the hole for a while.  No idea as of 8 AM this morning what will be possible.  We also don't know what he has been on or for how long this has been going on.
Because we have decided that our health is important, we are asking that you  don't ask us about this every chance you get.  At this stage, we promise to keep you informed when we know anything and will share our concerns as well as our joys with you when we know more. This will insure that at those times that we are enjoying life and feel good about leaving this mess in Gods hands, we can do so without being reminded of our lose and saddness. 
I am a private person however I know that prayer has power so I am asking that you take the list that follows to God in your prayers.
 Thank you in advance.
So, here are our prayer requests:
1. That God hold Pat firmly, guiding him and directing him to bring Pat to His place.  That Pat will  know that he has a mission on earth that needs to be fulfilled for God. 
2. That Mike and I will be able to rebound financially enough to pay anything that will be required to help so that lack of money will not be the issue. That we will not allow this to impact our health and that we will continue to be strong enough to take the next trial in this journey.
3. Prayers of praise and thanks that Pats older brothers love him and are willing to take the pressure off of me to deal with him. Huge huge huge!! burden off me.
4. Prayers of Thanksgiving that Friday, when I began asking for prayers, I had such a huge network of family and friends that I was able to go to.  The calm that came over me was life changing!
Sometimes, He calms the storm.
Sometimes, He calms the child.

Linda and Mike

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