Wednesday, February 23

Wed morning Feb 23

I so want calm.
Pat is not calm.  He does not create calm.  He is exhausting.  Everytime I think it will be ok, its not.

I believe he is using again.  He is stealing again.  I just want my little boy back!  I failed him and his brother.  The Lord has not failed.  I failed, I was given one task by him.  "Raise your children in the way they should go.."  I didn't.
I am here alone.  Nobody else remebers like I do what my boy was.  That child is gone.  I don't think I can live without him  I am mourning today. 

Good choices Pat, make good choices.  Please Lord!  Hold onto him!  Bring my child back to grow into a nice young man!  He is as good as dead.  I am being told that so many times!  Oh Lord.  My heart is broken.  Please please please Lord!  Hold onto him now. 

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