Wednesday, February 2

I don't have myself together yet but...

Now I will just go on. 
Exact prayer requests.
1. Pat will be coming to his 10 days off now.  It will be a very hard time.  It is expected this is the time that he will begin to get angry (wow, this is scary to me) or angrier, he will begin to understand what has happened to him, he will either walk or stay.  He really needs prayer right now that God will hold him tight.
I will request that we pray exactly "Father, Hold Patrick with all your might, not allowing him to make any decision that will be harmful to himself.  Hold him tight and direct his body and mind to heal as only You can  do."

We are directed to pray with direction and repeatedly.  I will find the story and update here.  I think we, I think I need it now.
2. I believe that in all things we are directed to give Thanks.  I am having a bit of trouble today with this so maybe you have thoughts.  Right now, I give Thanks that last night, I went to Zumba and worked hard at it so last night I could not sit around the house and worry.

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