Monday, February 14

Monday Feb 14th

Pat got kicked out of Detox last night.  For having pot in his room.

I don't know anything more.
I left my phone at home today on accident. 
He called my office and asked that I call him back but his phone was turned off.

He can't come home

The other shoe has dropped I quess.

I have to focus on praying for him and for my family. Had a lot of trouble going back to sleep last night.

I think I just want to put this away for awhile and not think about it.
My faith is strong but the prayers seem so weak.  I know that with others praying we can get through this. 

My fear is that I will outlive my son.  That is my greatest fear.  The second greatest is that this will go on and on and on.  I don't want to live like this.

Exact prayer request.
1. keep your arms around Pat because I can't even see him.
 2. Lift this dome of fear that is over my family.
3. Praises that I know God hears our prayers, even when we don't feel him close.

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