Tuesday, February 8


Hello, I am sorry, I was tired and cranky and just down yesterday.
But, today is a new day!
And its Son2 Birthday.  He came over last night, late of course, and I was the first one to wish him Happy Birthday!  Isn't amazing how just that little gift was what has cheered me all day today!

I am trying to decide if we should do an intervention for Pat next week.  Thought maybe we could get his Brothers and Sister, maybe girlfriend to all sit with him and tell him to go to a facitlity for the next 2 or 3 months. 

I am going to my mothers for 3 or 4 days.  I will be off line most of that time.
But, I have today and tomorrow to ask for prayers about this. 
Exact Prayer Request:
1. Thank you Lord for the days I don't have problems!  They are a gift from you.
2. Prepare us to talk with Pat about going on for more treatment.
3. Prepare Pat to hear what we say and to listen with an open heart.
4. I Thank him for you, those praying with me to save my son!  Knowing you are here helps me go on even with the fear that I sometimes have. 

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