Thursday, February 3

Thursday morning

Is it Friday yet?
Why should that make a difference?  It won't except, well,  I want something more fun to do.
Friday, I will get out of work, play with the dogs and maybe have a big huge drink! of something really strong!!

Saturday, I get to clean out the rabbit cage (BTW, does anybody know somebody that might want a rabbit?)
I will go to the gym, clean the kitchen, smoke ribs for Sunday and cook a few other things for the week.  All things that I chose to do.
Sunday, we are going to watch the SuperBowl at a friends house, at least for a little while.  I don't know that we will stay long but we will go for a while.

I think I am putting off talking about the reason we are all here. 
Pat texted me yesterday because a friend of his found out he is in Detox.  He is angry.   Whats new!
Then, later in the day, he called me to tell me that his counselor wants to send him for treatment for 30-90 days. He is angry. He believes that since the drugs are all out of his system he is detoxed and ready to go out the door.  He believes that he has the skills to not get back into them.  And besides, his 21st birthday is coming up in just over 30 days and he probably won't be out!

Oh my...

I did talk with our Individual Claims Manager (the insurance lady) and asked her for reassurance.
I asked her about the horrible horrible statistic that I told you not to read yesterday.
She is a rehab alcohol and drug counselor and has certificates and history and all these good things including experience.  and experience in adolescents.
Her words of encouragement included the statements "I didn't get into this work because there is no hope"
"this is the toughest age to rehab but I didn't do it all those years because there is no hope."
and my favorite "I have seen miracles!"

Pat can walk out any time he wants to.  He is an adult, legal age.  This is about the time I figure he will leave if he leaves.  It is coming up to day 8 that he has been there. He went in on Wed Jan 26 at 8pm I think.  He told me he hadn't used since the Friday before that so the 21st or 22nd I believe.  So, if that is all true, he is in the middle of the worst part of it I suppose.

So, now you are updated on everything.  You know as much as I know. 

BTW, just wanted to share a few bright spots in case you are worried about me.
1. I received a package from mom 2 days ago.  It was my birthday present. A box with a nice fleece jacket, 4 dishcloths, a pump bottle of hand soap, 2 bars of Dove Pink soap, a bar of Castile soap, 4 boxes of TicTacs and a package of emery boards.  I called her to ask her if she is trying to tell me something.
2. Older brother sent a check to me to get my computer out of pawn.  He included a little extra too.  Which is very very handy right now.  It is enough to pay for gas to go to moms next week.  That is greatly appreciated.
So a laugh and gifts.  What a great day!
So exact prayer requests today;
1. Praise and Thanks that the Lord is holding us all together, with dental floss!
2. That God will continue to heal Pat, body, mind and soul. 
3. That His arms will be wrapped tight around Pat and the Holy Spirit will continue to whisper in his ear.
4. Praise and Thanks that the Lord has blessed me with friends and family like you!  It is hard to take time out of your day, your own heartbreaks and life, to read something that hurts.  I pray, and would like you to ask God also to sustain each of you in this prayer vigal!

Thank you all

Love ya


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