Monday, March 14

Word For You Today -- Online Devotionals: Elijah (1)

Word For You Today -- Online Devotionals: Elijah (1): "“There is the sound…of rain.” 1Ki 18:41 NKJV Are you going through a spiritual dry spell? Are you busy encouraging others while your own ..."

Wow, read this to be reminded.  What we see is not the message God is passing to us!
He has made certain promises to us.  We have to listen with our Spirit!  To me, this is very powerful!  God promised things to me.  He promised me that He had a job for Pat!  I knew it then and I know it now.  I have to stand in Faith, believing.  Tune out the negative.

I forgot my cell phone at work on Friday.  Thought I might go by and get it but I didn't.  I tuned out negative!  No phone calls to disturb my days.  It was so nice not having it.  It made it easy to tune everything out. 

Today, my prayers are prayers of Thanks for you and your help here. 
Thankfulness that I can leave all my worries here and have you join me in prayer for everything.  I Thank God for you today!
I also Thank God today that Pat is still alive.  I take every bit of peace and hold it close.

Join me in giving Thanks today.

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