Wednesday, March 16

Wed March 16

Tomorrow is Pats birthday.  I think of the little boy that I loved.  I still love him so much but I can't stand to be near him now.  I want my boy back!!

Today, we need to focus on him making good choices for the next 72 hours.  Not to do drugs or drink.  Not to think that just because he is 21 tomorrow he needs to go to bars and get in trouble.

Good choices.

Father, Lord, Our great comfortor, Please Lord, stay with Pat. Hold him close to you and do not let him come near temptations that will destroy him.  Help him to understand that he needs help. 
Help his dad and I to stay strong when all we want is to hold him and have him know that we love him.
I pray this in the name of Your Son, who you had to send into danger, knowing he would be hurt and killed, knowing that the temptations were here that could destroy him.  I pray in the name of Christ, Amen

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