Wednesday, March 16

March 16th evening

my phone is off.  Everything in Pats life is my fault according to him.
I try to be smart, I try to not enable, I ask questions, I ask for proof. 

I am so fearful that the boy that was born 21 years ago tomorrow is gone forever. 
I don't know that I even want to pray anymore for him.  I just want this monster to be gone.

Tonight I feel miserable.  How did I allow him to affect me again?  I am better then this, but it would mean I would have to continue to fight for my son.  All the fight is out of me today. 

It is in Gods hands. I know I am supposed to continue to nag Him about it still.  I know that the one that continues to ask over and over will have the prayers answered.  I can't do it any more right now.  I am alone and tired of trying.  Continue praying if you can but I have doubts that anyone will or can so he is lost.

I am tired.  I am exhausted of fighting.

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