Friday, March 11

Its Friday

Pat is staying away.  I am just as happy with that.  I am learning to stop Enabling.  Sometimes called a cold-hearted suchandsuch.
Pats Dad thinks I should call him and make him come over to take care of his animals.  I say why?
I deserve more then to fight all the time.
I deserve more then to have my heart wrenched out each and every day just to be disappointed in the end.

So, bunnies are going to a new home this weekend.  The rodents in the cages hopefully can just stay where they are at.  I can feed them and water them.

I am even planning to leave work an hour early.  Pats Dad is going to bring the dogs here to work and we can run them out here for 20 minutes and we all have fun and get some exercise.
Then we are going to go home and make homemade pizza and have a lovely evening!  I couldn't do that if Pat was there or I had to worry about getting him there to care for the rabbits or rodents!
My online support group calls it all "Drug Drama"  What a fitting description!  Its like watching a TV show that is so bad you do nothing but make snide remarks about it.  But you watch the stupid thing! (CSI Miami is an example)  So, drug drama is off my list for the weekend as well as CSI Miami!

My weekend will be sleeping in, coffee in bed, crafting and enjoying life! 

Why is all this important?  I have stopped enabling!  That means Pat should be hitting up against it soon.  He should be having a really rough time of it.  I am praying for that!  I am praying that he comes to a point that he has to make a decision!  I pray that he makes good decisions. 

A bit different talk then a month ago from me.  I love this blog!  It forces me to see what yesterday was!  And i can make a difference!  "Our future is made out of our present."  So, my present is going to be non enabling!  My present is also going to be more faithful.  More faithful to God, spending time with him.  More faithful to my duties as a daughter and sister.  And more faithful to myself.  Doing more to care for myself. 

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