Monday, March 21

This last weekend.

Wow, I am truly blessed!
The final to my great weekend was Sunday.  Pat came over.  He was nice!
That is the end to the weekend, just in case you are the "turn to the back of the book to find out who did it" type of person.

Thursday was Pats 21 birthday.  The day before it was hard for him  because he realized that he would have no money to party with.  Of course, 21 is a birthday to party, everyone should be able to do it, right!!  And of course, its ok to make mom feel horrible to make that happen, after all, it is all mom and dads fault that I don't have a job, don't have any money, don't have a place to live and am basically a bum!

Wrongo bombo.

I think he finally got the message.  His brother, Son 2, took him to the casino on his birthday.  I guess he gave him a few dollars to gamble with and Pat won!  He gave some of the money back to his brother and had some in his wallet.  Friday, he went to the mall with one of his old drug buddies.  Pat decided to leave his wallet in the guys car because he didn't want to spend his money.  I got a call about 7  because "My buddy took off and I don't even have money to catch the bus."  We went an picked him up and ran him down to the 'buddies' house.  "No, Kevins not here, he ran to get some dope man."  Saturday night he had his wallet back without the money of course. 

I swear, I was a good mother.  I didn't say anything bad.  As his dad and I sat in the car listening to what was going on, we had to giggle a bit but, we had straight faces when he got in the car. We just said "I am sorry that happened to you."

On Saturday, we met Son 1 for an early dinner to celebrate Son 1's birthday which is on the 21st.  We had a lot of family there, lots of laugh and good times.  Then, I drove out to a Jazzfest and they all went to the casino.  Son 1 and his dad sat in the cigar bar and had several beers and I think a few shots of something.  Dad and his oldest son had a very nice time of talking and relaxing.  Although I don't like so much alcohol going around, I am very glad that Pats dad had such a great time with Son 1.

Sunday at about noon we picked Pat up and took him to lunch for his birthday.  He wasn't to happy about going out that early (noon is to early?) but we actually had a nice afternoon.  Then he came to the house.  Did a few things such as feeding his rabbits, feeding his pet mouse, finding his pet hamster that we had not seen for a week, finding a bunny that was supposed to be in the cage and cleaning his room up.  When those things were done he came upstairs and said (now get this..) "I did what you asked, what else would you like me to do."  WOW!!  Actually, that should be a double WOW!

He sat in the same room as us for over an hour.  Talked to his dad and I about the news and what is going on with his life.  Such a differant person then he was just Wednesday. 

I don't know that he is doing the Herion or not but I have my doubts.  I know he is still smoking pot and he has had a few drinks lately. I don't know if the drinking is just because he is 21 and can do that now or not.
He promised me that he would go into treatment this week.  I told him that his cell phone gets turned off if he doesn't go.  So we will see.  But, I had a great few days, saw all the kids, Son 1, Son 2, Son 3 and Only Daughter.  Had a nice time with all of them and some point and laughed a lot.

Now for the bad news.  Pats dad talked to the Detective that was supposed to be handleing the thefts.  He let all the pawn shops sell all our things because he his to busy to handle our report.  He said he thought we didn't want to press charges (even though we had both told him that we did) and that the few things that are left in the pawn shops have to be bought back if we want them.  So, over $10,000 worth of stuff is gone.  That includes the brand new chain saw that we are still paying on and my wedding ring.

I would say that life sucks but I know that some of the things that happen are bad, some are horrendous and some just suck.  But, I choose to find that things that don't suck and smile about that. Other people loose things and have things stolen.  They are just things.  My heart breaks.  But I am choosing to find those things that are ok about life and enjoy them.

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