Tuesday, May 24

Out of rehab

Pat came out of rehab last Thursday.  We told him he had to find a place to live like an Oxford house.
We let him stay for a few days but his place at Oxford fell through.
I have to get him out of the house!
I took off work yesterday to drive h im around, outpatient, court, etc.
Then last night I had a migrane that was on my worst time list.  So, I told him to drive himself to AA.  He came home, went out, came home went out.  He said he went to AA and there was not many miles put on but...
Then, at 11 last night, he had a friend come by and take him to Winco.  When I told him that was not acceptable he got mad at me.
I heard him cough, just like when he smokes pot, I went downstairs and Leah was there, he said she was smoking pot.  I told him he was too.  He argued.
He has to go!
His dad will deal with it when he gets home tomorrow. 
I never should have helped him.  My calm has disappeared and I am frantic again.  can hardly make sense here!
I suppose pray for him.  My head hurts and I just am giving up

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